Null and blank votes are not part of the Phone Number List total "valid votes" used to calculate the official election results. Spoiled ballots are ballots intentionally marked to be invalid. Blank votes are ballots intentionally deposited in the ballot box without marking any Phone Number List of the options. The valid votes are the sum of the votes received by all the candidates in the contest. Blank votes and invalid votes are not included in this sum, and the total number of valid votes Phone Number List is the denominator used to calculate the percentage of the final result for each candidate.
For example, the 32.7% obtained by in Phone Number List the first round is obtained by dividing the total number of votes received by him (3,033,791 votes) by the total number of votes received by all 16 candidates who participated in the first round ( 9,272,034 valid votes). Null and blank votes are not included in this calculation and, by Phone Number List mathematical verification, the higher the number of null and blank votes, the lower the total number of valid votes, and the higher the percentage of official results calculated for each candidate. The peculiarity of this way of calculating the official Phone Number List result is that, in a specific context of the second round, where invalid votes selectively harm one candidate.
The favored one is the other candidate: not Phone Number List because he receives more votes, but because he benefits from the calculation. What actually happened? The most unexpected thing about the results of the elections on Sunday, April 11, then, was the very Phone Number List high percentage reached by those who voted null. In the second round, the null reached 16%, more than six points above what was achieved in the first round. The recent historical record was 12%, in Phone Number List the first round of 2006. This year, the null simply exceeded all expectations. One out of.