Companies are adapting the structure of their marketing departments to the new needs of the market and consumers. The key areas they are covering with new professionals are: Notoriety : in the case of the Internet, the expertise required by companies is focused on online advertising and content marketing. Traffic : knowledge of search engine positioning (SEO and SEM), affiliation and metrics is required of new signings. Engagement , conversion and customer relationship: an area covered by experts in content, ecommerce, usability and digital CRM. Reputation: especially through social networks, through content generation, dissemination, monitoring and control. And what people expect from the companies of the future Tags business competitiveness marketing read later favorites two N The nature of the economic and social change that.
We are experiencing in recent years is probably unprecedented: a new economic model of a Global nature is being established where all economies end up intertwining with each other, creating new alliances and models. At the same time we live in a society that is Gmail Email List always more dynamic from the point of view of its system of beliefs and values, as described by the Polish philosopher and sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, in his masterpiece: " Liquid Modernity" . Where he identifies a transition of social principles and values towards an ever more fluid and unstable configuration. Observing this complex scenario from a business perspective, it is legitimate to ask how the concept of Marketing will evolve with respect to all this and what will be the Marketing of the future or Marketing 3.0.
Normally we are used to looking at companies as simple producers of goods or providers of services, who transform resources through activities and sell the results on the market. In reality, we must bear in mind that companies are social entities that, on the one hand, offer opportunities to certain individuals in society, and, on the other, act to satisfy certain needs of society. Therefore, companies are much more than economic engines, they are also social engines that contribute to the evolution of society through the generation of new ideas and values. It seems that for a long time we have forgotten about it, and now, in times of great uncertainty regarding resources, the economy and the management of the planet, society increasingly appeals to the responsibility of companies towards these problems, claiming their involvement and commitment to creating a better world.
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